Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Canada Camper

 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 5.9 liter V8 4-spd automatic

I finally found a transmission. 
Used TorqueFlite 46RE under 100k miles
Being shipped from Akron, Ohio by Jasper Automotive
$800 plus $248 shipping, $175 core and $76.48 tax

Camper made in Canada.

Interior is pristine.

This is not it...

Thursday, November 23, 2023


2001 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 Off-Road 5.9 liter V8

1998 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 5.2 liter V8

The 1998 Ram was traded for a 2003 Honda 

1994 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 5.2 liter V8

1999 Dodge Ram 1500 5.9 liter V8

Haynes Repair Manual 1994-2001 Dodge Pick-ups

2018 KIA Soul 1.6 liter 4 speed

Sunday, November 19, 2023


 Head, Heart, Hands and Health. 

As a member of the Glen Allen 4-H club when I was 10 years old I spent one summer at the Jamestown 4-H Education Center campground. It was my first experience learning of the Virginia Indians. The camp was divided into groups that were named for various tribes. I was a Paspahegh. Others were Pamunkey, Mattaponi, Chickahominy, Rappahannock, Nansemond and Monacan. The camp was and still is immediately adjacent to the Jamestown Colony on the James River. We could see the three ships moored at the dock. 

I learned to swim in the river just west of the replicas of the Susan Constant, Discovery, and Godspeed.

Today I searched the National Park Service website for parks near my home. I was aware of the Shanandoah but wondered what other parks might be nearby. Here I discovered Werowocomoco. More than 400 years before English settlers established Jamestown, Werowocomoco had been an important Powhatan Indian town. Werowocomoco, translated from the Virginia Algonquian language, means “place of leadership”. As an archaeological site, Werowocomoco was confirmed in 2002, nearly 400 years after the Indian leader paramount chief Powhatan and his people interacted with Jamestown settlers here and at Jamestown. Werowocomoco remains closed to the public as planning efforts are ongoing.

Historical documents describe an embarrassing treatment of the indigenous people Europeans found on this continent. Obvious discrimination of what was perceived to be a backward primitive folk doomed their civilization. In just 100 years European disease and war with the Indians killed millions that thrived before the invasion. 


Thursday, November 9, 2023

Cousin Stephen


I thought maybe it was time to let my friends know,
"the rest of the story"
as Paul Harvey would say.
In early July I began experiencing back pain that felt like I had leaned over and pulled two muscles in my back. For an old guy this is not so unusual and after a day or so I realized that the back pain was not getting any better. So I began home remedies to see if I could determine why I was having this discomfort. I started with getting some muscle relaxers and later I saw a licensed massage therapist who was able to get me a little more vertical. During this time I had to walk along next to my bed keeping my hands on the bed like a chimpanzee in order to move around the room.
When the pain didn't get any better I called a gastroenterologist and had an appointment for a CAT scan and all sincerity I thought I had some sort of bowel blockage because the pain wrapped around my side into the back.
My friends Joel and Pam Jancko we're on vacation in Canada. Joel is a cardiologist but more important than that he's a best friend. And when I say best friend I mean so in the truest sense of the word. Joel has access to my medical records electronically and once the scan was posted on the medical record profile he took a peek at it.
I got a call on Monday August 28th from him. Very calmly he told me that there is a spot on my right kidney and then I was to get dressed and go to the emergency room immediately. I followed his instructions and at 1:00 in the morning in the Gulf Coast Hospital emergency room the doctor came into the triage room and told me that there was a 4-inch long cancerous lesion on my right kidney they were sure it was cancer and it had to be removed. Let me tell you that sentence is a complete slap in the face of reality.
I was transferred after a day or so from Gulf Coast Hospital to Health Park. Where Dr Joseph Klink perform surgery on September 1st. He was an amazing surgeon very compassionate and evidently very good at what he did. I got to go home on Labor Day. And thus began the recovery from my nephrectomy which is a fancy word for we're going to rip your kidney out.
What followed was 10 treatments of radiation because, in my case, the cancer is stage 4 because it moved to two of my vertebrae and evidently ate them lol. As the radiation continued pain began to sit in because I ended up with basically nerves that were pinched and the radiation had destroyed the tumor thus allowing those nerves to become inflamed and entangled.
At a follow-up visit at Dr Klink's office he was aware that I was in a lot of pain and using a walker. A simple push of a button on my medical record connected me to Dr Dossani. This doctor saw me in two or three days looked at the MRIS came up with a plan and talked to me about performing a Fusion on my back. Without this I was not going to walk independently again. That's another harsh slap of reality.
So the first of November I went to Gulf Coast Hospital and a surgery was performed starting at 7:15 a.m. and Lasting until I woke up at 3:00 p.m. in the recovery room. I will tell you the pain is unimaginable. I have a vertical scar that is probably 18 inches long or the length of my entire back from my belt line to just below my neckline.
After several days recuperating in Gulf Coast Hospital I was moved to Lee Memorial Hospital's rehab center. I've been told by experts in the business that this is the rehab that you go to if you really want to get back to a high percentage of mobility. Kind of a boot camp.
Today is the 9th so I'm one week and a day from my surgery date. I'm able to get out of bed use a walker go to the bathroom by myself and they bring me lemon Sherbert when I ask for it.
The good news for me, unlike other cancer patients, is that the source of my cancer is gone. No more kidney. So we're dealing with the damage that the cancer did while it was in my body.
I have already begun immunotherapy which can quickly be described as a miracle. They basically use DNA from my now missing kidney, a vaccine is created using some of this tissue and injected back into my body as a vaccine. The vaccine knows what the cancer looks like and goes and finds the cells and encourages my T cells to get rid of the cells that have cancer. It's a relatively new procedure. I'm told that chemo and radiation doesn't work on the kind of clear cell cancer that I have. The treatments are every 21 days it's an IV injection that lasts about an hour. The best news is that the side effects are almost non-existent. The side effects are usually fatigue and you have to be careful about inflammation of other body parts. Dr Mann is my oncologist.
It's about this point in my story that I have to tell you how blessed I am to have some wonderful friends Barry Bolinger and Steve Novell sprung into action as soon as they knew I had problems. They supplied a walker, a shower chair, an extended mechanical device to grab things when you drop them on the floor and emotional support. They were able to transport me to several of my appointments at the radiation clinic and for lab work at the oncologist and for follow-up visits with Dr Klink. They did things for me but no one else could do including bringing some meals and blowing the debris off the driveway that the trees drop. Barry came over every Saturday and put clean sheets on my bed. I did a very good job of picking two amazing best friends.
Dale Koehn came by nightly and prepared meals took me to other appointments and basically kept the house running while I was flat on my back during the recovery after the kidney was removed. I think he will always be my knight in shining armor.
The outpouring of concern spend something I've never experienced. Starting with my sisters Susan Brittain Amari and Joani Albert who checked on me daily and in some cases Susan spent the day at the hospital during the surgeries. My longtime friend John Anderson has been a godsend. He came to my house one day when I dropped a bottle of pain medicine that rolled under the bed and he came over at 7:30 in the morning to retrieve it for me. All I could think about is how much dust was under the bed LOL
I was transferred after a day or so from Gulf Coast Hospital to Health Park. Where Dr Joseph Klink performed surgery on September 1st. He was an amazing surgeon very compassionate and evidently very good at what he did. I got to go home on Labor Day. And thus began the recovery from my nephrectomy which is a fancy word for we're going to rip your kidney out.
What followed was 10 treatments of radiation because, in my case, the cancer is stage 4 because it moved to two of my vertebrae and evidently ate them lol. As the radiation continued pain began to sit in because I ended up with basically nerves that were pinched and the radiation had destroyed the tumor thus allowing those nerves to become inflamed and entangled.
At a follow-up visit at Dr Klink's office he was aware that I was in a lot of pain and using a walker. A simple push of a button on my medical record connected me to Dr Dossani. This doctor saw me in two or three days looked at the MRIS came up with a plan and talked to me about performing a Fusion on my back. Without this I was not going to walk independently again. That's another harsh slap of reality.
I started hearing from Friends some of which I had fallen out of contact with for 40 years. My friend Tim and Debbie, I had known him since 4th grade. I heard from friends like Charles Kessler and Dave Gould who I went to kindergarten with. I heard from my friend Bill Berdnik who had been a buddy since around 5th grade. Emails and phone calls of encouragement came almost daily. Friends like Frank N Grace Meneses and Alena and Christine Burnley checking with me every couple of days. My friends out of state like Beth Vecchio and Gwen Crandall Gregory also kept a close eye on my progress. Jill Price Gould and Cary Gould checked in on me often too. Nola Schneider and Cindy Cutright checked with me too.
This past Wednesday I slept almost 10 hours un interrupted. This was due in part to some pain medication they gave me and the fact that my back was not causing pretty much constant pain. I was almost giddy with excitement when I woke up and realized I had had a good night's rest.
Physical and occupational therapists here think that I will be discharged sometime prior to next Wednesday. That doesn't mean that the hard work is over but it means that I can operate and take care of myself at a very low level at home.
Scarlett O'Hara once said I have depended upon the kindness of strangers
My conservative estimate is that I have had 70 different things stuck in my arms. Ivs, blood draws, and other things related to having surgery. I fully expect that my veins will be dry before this is all over lol.
When all this started I promised myself that I would not complain I would do what I was told and work to get back as much of my life and Mobility as it's possible. Seeing other people here in the rehab center just reinforces the fact that I am very fortunate. There are folks here that will never walk again and whose life expectancy is short.
I sure hope I haven't forgotten anyone in my litany of names here. Please rest assured that your kindness will never be forgotten.
Best part is I have dropped lots of weight and right now and 221lbs.
Now I'm just concentrating I'm getting to my discharge date and getting home. Thanks for all your notes and comments and encouragement.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Charles Frace

Royal Pride - African Lions by Charles Frace' 1981 signed limited edition of only 5,000 art prints with a 21 x 34 image. Found in the attic. Signed. Framed. Un-numbered. Certificate and 11x14 sketch included.
Priced at $225 unframed. 

11x14 lion sketch included

Back of frame includes original envelope for 31x24 lithograph.

Ours is signed but not numbered:

Date: 1981
Lithograph, signed in pencil
Edition of 5000 (2500 not numbered)
Image Size: 21 x 34 inches

Reclining in the shade, Charles Fracé’s rendering of a pride of lions in Africa is based on his own experience working in the area to learn more about the animals and perfect his representations of them. Huddled around one another, the lions appear relaxed and regal as the apex predators of the serengeti. An art package including a signed framed lithograph, affidavit of limited edition, 11x14 photo copy of a lion sketch and complete full-size envelope for the lithograph itself. MSRP was about $225

Charles Fracé was born in 1926 in a small town in eastern Pennsylvania. He began drawing at five and taught himself to paint when he was fifteen. Fracé remembers wanting to be an artist from an early age. His self-instructed talent earned him a scholarship to Philadelphia’s Museum School of Art, where he graduated with honors. In 1955, Fracé began a professional career as a freelance illustrator in New York City. Eventually, he became one of the nation's most sought-after illustrators of wildlife. However, Fracé soon grew frustrated by the restrictions of illustrating ideas conceived by others and longed to paint some of his own. He finished only one, which his wife, Elke, took to a nearby art gallery. They insisted on displaying the painting in the gallery, and it sold that same afternoon. In 1973, with the issue of Fracé's first limited edition print, he had finally made the permanent change to fine art. Fracé brings to his art over three decades of personal research and a close kinship with animals. Fracé and his art has been the subject of two books. Perhaps the greatest honor of his career came in October 1992, when Fracé was recognized with a one-man exhibit of thirty-six of his paintings at the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Charles Fracé passed away December 16, 2005 after a long illness. Mr. Fracé's legacy will continue to live on in his masterful work which has captivated art collectors and intrigued nature experts for over thirty years.

Saturday, October 7, 2023


Twenty Twenty-Two

In May of '22 I experienced a cardiac arrest. After a dozen shocks my heart was re-started. Those shocks put me in a state of physical imbalance that affected my kidneys, my gall bladder and my memory. In June, I found myself in a rehab center with no support from my family. I didn't know why I was there.  

My wife was smoking meth and refused to contact me. I had no clothes and nothing of my own. For six months I bounced between hospitals, was forced into dialysis and a tube from my stomach to my gallbladder drained into a bag I had to carry wherever I went. 

I became unable to stand and bedridden while ambulances were used to transport me to dialysis. I hated dialysis. Six hours of sitting in agony three times a week. In June I was bleeding from an ulcer and Palms of Pasadena Hospital cauterized my ulcer. 

I insisted my kidneys were re-evaluated and I was removed from dialysis. My gall bladder began to work and the tube was removed. It took another two months for me to learn to walk again and I was released from the rehab center. 

My wife refused to let me in my house. I had PCSO convince her it was my right. In December she accused me of beating her and I was issued a "No Contact" order and arrested. 10 days later Pinellas dropped the charges but I had left Florida to live with my son. 

On her birthday, January 1st, she suffered a stroke and died January 13th (a Friday). I flew back to Florida, sold my house in 15 days and returned to my son's apartment. I am still healing. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

1999 Dodge Ram Van

Made in Canada. 3900cc V8 4-speed automatic.
Purchased for $750 in December 2022.
Now being refurbished, rebuilt and restored.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Google BARD

Written by AI on Google BARD:

O freedom, thou art not a thing That dwells in land or sea, But a great spirit dwelling in The hearts of free men free. Thy dwelling is not in the past Nor in the future days, But in the hearts of free men fast And true and strong and brave. Thy voice is heard in every land Where men are free and bold, Thy light shines forth in every land Where men are true and bold. Thy spirit is the spirit of the brave, The strong, the free, the true, The spirit that can never be enslaved, The spirit that can never die. So long as men are free to think And speak and act their will, So long as men are free to live And die for what they hold dear, So long shall freedom live and reign In every land and sea, And men shall call that land their own Where freedom dwells with thee. 


 Here are "Some tips on how to rent a home in California with bad credit but good cash": 

 Check your credit report for errors. Make sure there are no mistakes on your credit report that could be dragging down your score. You can get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus once a year at Find a landlord who will rent without a credit check. Not all landlords check credit scores, so it's worth your time to ask around and see if you can find one who will rent to you based on your income and rental history. You can find landlords who don't check credit on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and other online classifieds. Prove your financial responsibility. Even if your credit score is low, you can still show landlords that you're a responsible person by providing proof of your income, employment, and savings. You can also offer to pay a larger security deposit or a few months' rent in advance. Get a cosigner or roommate. If you have a friend or family member with good credit, they can cosign your lease, which will give the landlord more confidence in your ability to pay rent. You can also get a roommate, which will help you split the rent and make it more affordable. Offer to pay extra in advance. If you can afford it, you can offer to pay extra rent up front, such as three months' rent in advance. This will show the landlord that you're serious about renting the property and that you have the money to pay your rent on time. Explain your poor credit history. If there's a good reason for your bad credit, such as a medical emergency or job loss, be sure to explain it to the landlord. They may be more understanding if they know the circumstances. Improve your credit score. Once you've rented a home, you can start working on improving your credit score. This will make it easier to rent a home in the future and get other forms of credit, such as a car loan or mortgage. You can improve your credit score by paying your bills on time, keeping your credit utilization low, and disputing any errors on your credit report. I hope these tips help you rent a home in California with bad credit but good cash. Sources


A story about world religion: 

 The world's religions are like a great river, with many tributaries flowing into it. Each tributary has its own unique history and culture, but they all ultimately flow into the same ocean of faith. One of the oldest tributaries of the world's religions is Judaism. Judaism began in the Middle East over 3,500 years ago, and it is the religion of the Jewish people. Judaism teaches that there is one God who created the universe and who chose the Jewish people to be his special people. Another major tributary of the world's religions is Christianity. Christianity began in the Middle East in the first century AD, and it is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that he died on the cross to save humanity from sin. Islam is the third major tributary of the world's religions. Islam began in the Middle East in the seventh century AD, and it is based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet of God, and that the Qur'an is the word of God. Hinduism is the fourth major tributary of the world's religions. Hinduism began in India over 3,000 years ago, and it is the religion of the majority of people in India. Hinduism is a very diverse religion, with many different beliefs and practices. However, all Hindus believe in the concept of karma, which is the law of cause and effect. Buddhism is the fifth major tributary of the world's religions. Buddhism began in India in the sixth century BC, and it is the religion of the majority of people in East Asia. Buddhism teaches that the goal of life is to achieve enlightenment, which is the state of being free from suffering. These are just five of the many tributaries that flow into the world's religions. Each religion has its own unique story to tell, but they all share a common goal: to help people find meaning and purpose in life. The story of world religion is a story of diversity and unity. It is a story of how people from all over the world have come together to share their beliefs and practices. It is a story of hope and love, and it is a story that is still being written today. ======================================================================

Fusion reactors have the potential to save the world and make electricity free. They are a clean, safe, and abundant source of energy that could provide the world with all the electricity it needs without emitting greenhouse gases. Fusion reactors work by fusing two atoms together to create a larger atom. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy, which can be used to generate electricity. Fusion reactors are much cleaner than fission reactors, which are the type of nuclear reactors that are currently used to generate electricity. Fusion reactors produce no greenhouse gases and very little radioactive waste. Fusion reactors are also much safer than fission reactors. Fission reactors can melt down if they are not properly controlled, releasing radioactive material into the environment. Fusion reactors cannot melt down because they do not use a chain reaction. If a fusion reactor were to malfunction, it would simply shut down. The main challenge with fusion reactors is that they are very difficult to build. The conditions required for fusion are very extreme, and it is difficult to keep the fuel hot enough and confined for long enough to produce a sustained reaction. However, scientists are making progress in this area, and there is a growing belief that fusion reactors could be a reality within the next few decades. If fusion reactors can be successfully developed, they have the potential to revolutionize the world's energy supply. They could help us to solve the climate crisis and provide everyone with access to affordable, clean energy. Fusion reactors could truly save the world and make electricity free. Here are some additional benefits of fusion reactors: They are a renewable source of energy. The fuel used in fusion reactors, deuterium and tritium, is found in seawater. They are scalable. Fusion reactors can be made to produce any amount of power, from small-scale reactors that can power a home to large-scale reactors that can power a city. They are safe. Fusion reactors cannot melt down and they produce very little radioactive waste. Of course, there are also some challenges to consider with fusion reactors: They are still in the early stages of development. It is not yet clear when they will be commercially viable. They are expensive to build. The cost of building a fusion reactor is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. They require a lot of energy to start up. The amount of energy required to start a fusion reaction is about 10 times the amount of energy that the reactor will eventually produce. Despite these challenges, fusion reactors have the potential to be a major breakthrough in energy technology. They could help us to solve the climate crisis and provide everyone with access to affordable, clean energy. =========================================================== 

 A television broadcast antenna for home reception is a device that receives radio waves from television broadcast towers and converts them into electrical signals that can be displayed on a television. There are two main types of television broadcast antennas for home reception: indoor antennas and outdoor antennas. Indoor antennas are typically small and flat, and can be placed on a window or wall near a television. They are less expensive than outdoor antennas, but they are also less effective at receiving signals from distant towers. Outdoor antennas are larger and more directional than indoor antennas, and they can be mounted on a mast or pole on the roof of a house. They are more effective at receiving signals from distant towers, but they are also more expensive and difficult to install. The best type of television broadcast antenna for home reception will depend on a number of factors, including the distance from the television broadcast towers, the amount of obstructions between the antenna and the towers, and the budget. Here are some tips for choosing a television broadcast antenna for home reception: Check the signal strength in your area. You can use a website like TV Fool: to check the signal strength of television broadcast towers in your area. This will help you determine if you need an indoor or outdoor antenna. Consider your budget. Indoor antennas are typically less expensive than outdoor antennas. However, if you live in a rural area with weak signal, you may need an outdoor antenna. Think about the installation. Indoor antennas are typically easy to install. Outdoor antennas can be more difficult to install, especially if you need to mount them on a roof. Read reviews. There are many different television broadcast antennas on the market. It's a good idea to read reviews before you buy one. Once you have chosen a television broadcast antenna, you will need to install it and connect it to your television. The installation instructions will vary depending on the type of antenna you have chosen. Here are some general tips for installing a television broadcast antenna: Choose a location with a clear view of the television broadcast towers. The antenna should be placed as high as possible and away from obstructions, such as trees and buildings. Mount the antenna securely. The antenna should be firmly attached to a mast or pole. Connect the antenna to your television. The antenna will typically have a coaxial cable that plugs into the antenna input on your television. Scan for channels. Once the antenna is connected, you will need to scan for channels on your television. This will allow you to find all of the television stations that are available in your area. With a properly installed and tuned television broadcast antenna, you can enjoy free over-the-air television reception in your home.

 Plaque psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes raised, red patches with white scales. It can affect any part of the body, but it most commonly occurs on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. There is no cure for plaque psoriasis, but there are treatments that can help control the symptoms and prevent flare-ups. Some of the ways to control and avoid plaque psoriasis include: Moisturize your skin regularly. Dry skin can make psoriasis worse, so it's important to keep your skin hydrated. Use a fragrance-free moisturizer several times a day, especially after bathing or showering. Avoid hot water and harsh soaps. Hot water and harsh soaps can dry out your skin, which can make psoriasis worse. Instead, take lukewarm baths or showers and use a mild soap. Use a humidifier. If you live in a dry climate, using a humidifier can help add moisture to the air and keep your skin from drying out. Get regular exercise. Exercise can help reduce stress, which can trigger psoriasis flare-ups. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. Eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet can help reduce inflammation, which can also trigger psoriasis flare-ups. Focus on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Manage stress. Stress can trigger psoriasis flare-ups, so it's important to find ways to manage stress in your life. This could include yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature. Avoid smoking. Smoking can worsen psoriasis symptoms, so it's important to quit smoking if you do smoke. Get enough sleep. When you're well-rested, your skin is better able to heal itself. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol can irritate the skin and worsen psoriasis symptoms. It's best to limit your alcohol intake or avoid it altogether. Identify your triggers. Different people have different triggers that can cause psoriasis flare-ups. Once you've identified your triggers, you can take steps to avoid them. Common triggers include stress, infections, certain medications, and certain foods. See a doctor. If you have plaque psoriasis, it's important to see a doctor regularly. Your doctor can help you develop a treatment plan that's right for you and monitor your condition for any complications. By following these tips, you can help control and avoid plaque psoriasis. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to talk to your doctor. ===========================================================

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

"New" laptop

 My $30 Acer laptop is beginning to become overcome by modern websites as it has only 2GB of RAM. I found a refurbished Dell on eBay, very similar to the Acer, same size but better.

This laptop was listed for $99.99 but the seller offered it for $10 less.
Dell Latitude E5440 i5-4310U@2.00GHz 
8GB RAM, 128GB SSD w/WIN10Pro - NVIDIA G.F. GT 720M
I purchased another 8GB RAM and updated it. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Luck Family

"Luck Presents" is best known for its signature event, the Luck Reunion, held every year in mid-March. Keep an eye on our calendar for even more chances to be in Luck.

We’re always adding new things to our calendar, so be sure to keep checking back and stay subscribed to our emails.



Thursday, March 16, 2023

Different weather cam.

 A new view

WAVY TV 10 and WVBT FOX43 TV is Hampton Roads’ #1 TV website, known and respected for breaking news, weather sports, and streaming video. The site serves as the interactive portal for The Hampton Roads Show with live streaming and online chat. is 10 On Your Side, 24/7. is a powerhouse in digital media on multiple platforms: mobile, social media networks, blogging, email and text alerts.

300 WAVY Street
Portsmouth, VA 23704
