Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Government authority is distributed between several branches to prevent power from being concentrated in the hands of a single person. In a presidential system, the leader of the executive is both the head of state and federal government. Executive orders are subject to judicial review and may be overturned if the orders lack support by statute or the Constitution.  The United States Constitution does not have a provision that explicitly permits the use of executive orders. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Huntingdon Old Bridge

 My 8th great grandfather was born in Huntingdon England in 1636. The Old Bridge there was constructed in 1332 and remains today. Before my grandfather came to America in 1658 he must have used this bridge.  


 In May of 1969 Apollo 10, named for Charlie Brown and Snoopy, was a test of the Lunar Module capabilities for landing on the Moon months later. It was the 2nd spacecraft to orbit the Moon. The LM separated from the Command Module and flew by itself piloted by Eugene Cernan but never landed. After testing the LM (Snoopy) was released to a heliocentric orbit of the Sun forever.

Snoopy was lost.

Back then, NASA did not follow Snoopy's trajectory, so it was forgotten about until Nick Howes, a Royal Astronomical Society fellow from the U.K., recently shared that he may have found the module with a team of fellow amateur astronomers in 2019.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Good Green

Good Green is a movement bringing cannabis, responsible consumers and change-making organizations together to create real, sustained progress against the War on Drugs in Black and Brown communities.