Friday, December 26, 2014

Airbus promotional video

In 1966 General Electric tried this with United States military jets all of which were powered by GE engines.  The only supersonic bomber the XB-70A and an F-4, F-5, T-38, and F-104 fighter jets. NASA Chief Test Pilot Joe Walker (F-104 pilot) and Carl Cross (XB-70 co-pilot) were killed.

Monday, November 10, 2014

HL Tauri

Protoplanetary disk

HL Tauri (abbreviated HL Tau) is a very young T Tauri star[5] in the constellation Taurus, approximately 450 light-years (140 pc) from Earth[1] in the Taurus Molecular Cloud.[6] The luminosity and effective temperature of HL Tauri imply that its age is less than 100,000 years.


Published on Sep 3, 2014
Superclusters – regions of space that are densely packed with galaxies – are the biggest structures in the Universe. But scientists have struggled to define exactly where one supercluster ends and another begins. Now, a team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique that maps the Universe according to the flow of galaxies across space. Redrawing the boundaries of the cosmic map, they redefine our home supercluster and name it Laniakea, which means ‘immeasurable heaven’ in Hawaiian.

Read the research paper:
Read Nature's news story:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cannonball Baker Sea-To-Shining-Sea Memorial Trophy Dash

In 1933 Erwin George Baker drove across America in a Graham-Paige model 57 Blue Streak 8, averaging over 50mph in 53 hours and 30 minutes.

The Cannonball Run, was an unofficial, unsanctioned automobile race run five times in the 1970s from New York to Redondo Beach, California. The initial cross-country run was accomplished by Brock Yates; his son, Brock Yates, Jr.; Steve Smith; and friend Jim Williams beginning on May 3, 1971 in a 1971 Dodge Custom Sportsman van, called the "Moon Trash II". They made it in 40 hours and 51 minutes.

 In 1979 Dave Yarborough and Dave Heinz  made it in 32 hours 51 minutes, in a 1979 Jaguar XJS - the record for the series of four illegal, "secret" races.

See the complete results here: Race Results

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Alienware Area-51 2014

Supports Intel's new six- and eight-core (!) Haswell-E series processors
32GB DDR4 RAM, 3 PCI Express slots, 3 HDD and 2 SSD drive bays.
Easy to carry pyramid shape (45 lbs).

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Early 60s

Shenandoah National Park Quarter

The second United States Mint quarter for release in 2014 is the Shenandoah National Park Quarter. This strike honors the national park in Virginia and represents the twenty-second coin from the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program. Its circulation release date is March 31, 2014.

Shown on the reverse is the view from Little Stony Man summit. Inscriptions around the scene read: SHENANDOAH, VIRGINIA, 2014 and E PLURIBUS UNUM. Phebe Hemphill designed and sculpted the image.

Shenandoah National Park Quarters found in eventual pocket change will come only from Philadelphia or Denver, the two plants responsible for striking all American coinage for commerce.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL 800 AM EDT THU AUG 21 2014 For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico: Shower and thunderstorm activity associated with an elongated area of low pressure located about 350 miles east of the Lesser Antilles has changed little in organization during the past several hours. Environmental conditions are expected to be conducive for development during the next day or so, and a tropical depression could form while the system moves west-northwestward at 15 to 20 mph across the Lesser Antilles and over the eastern Caribbean Sea. The mountainous terrain of Hispaniola and eastern Cuba could limit development during the first part of the weekend, but conditions are expected to become more conducive for development by early next week when the system is forecast to move near or over the Bahamas. 1. Regardless of tropical cyclone formation, gusty winds and heavy rainfall are possible across portions of the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands tonight and Friday, and over Hispaniola late Friday and Saturday. Interests in those islands should closely monitor the progress of this disturbance. An Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircraft is scheduled to investigate the low this afternoon, if necessary. * Formation chance through 48 hours...medium...50 percent. * Formation chance through 5 days...high...70 percent. Forecaster Brennan

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Alice in Paris

Eugene Merril "Gene" Deitch (born August 8, 1924 in Chicago, Illinois) is an American illustrator, animator and film director. He has been based in Prague since 1959. He created Tom Terrific.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


On March 2, 2004, Rosetta was launched into an orbit that enabled it to chase Earth around the Sun for about a year.
  • On March 4, 2005, Rosetta caught up with Earth and executed the first of its four gravity assists (three from Earth and one from Mars). This first gravity assist hurled Rosetta toward Mars for its meeting in 2007.
  • In February 2007, Rosetta executed a close flyby of Mars, which provided the gravity assist it needed to loop back toward Earth for a second flyby in November 2007.
  • In November 2007, Rosetta executed its second Earth flyby, gaining the gravity assist it needed to pass Mars' orbit and reach the asteroid belt.
  • In November, 2009, Rosetta swung back for a final boost from Earth’s gravity to return again to the asteroid belt.
  • In January 2014, Rosetta positioned itself next to comet C-G and is falling into the inner solar system along with it. Rosetta will "land" on the comet and take readings.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

British Motor Corporation Mini 1967

Between 1960 and 1967, BMC exported approximately 10,000 left-hand drive BMC Minis to the United States. Sales were discontinued when stricter federal safety standards were imposed in 1968 and the arrival of the larger and more profitable Austin America. Mini sales fell in the 1967 calendar year and the U.S. importer was expecting the forthcoming Austin America to find a larger market. However, the America was also withdrawn in 1972 due to slow sales and the introduction of bumper height standards.

With PhotoShop I can see what a Mini would look like with 1968 Pontiac GTO Rally wheels.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

It Came from Beneath the Sea

All my life I have a memory of seeing a giant octopus attacking a port. When I was young my dad would take me with him to see movies that my mother had no desire to see. In 1955 I was five years old and evidently my father took me to see "It Came from Beneath the Sea" ( ). Today the movie is playing on the Movie channel - a free over-the-air sub channel of WTVT here in Tampa. When researching the movie online I discovered it on the Internet Archive. The full movie (in color).

The movie was originally shot in black & white but colorized in 1983 by Columbia Pictures.

More about the movie:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Uncle Stuart - Private First Class, M Company, 24th Infantry Division, 34th Infantry Regiment of the Eighth United States Army.

In the first action of the Korean War July 1950, the 24th Infantry suffered 3,602 dead and wounded and 2,962 captured, including the Division's Commander, Major General William F. Dean.

Letter to Stuart's brother from soldier/survivors March, 1999:

Stuart was with our group of POW's in North Korea. We are now known as Tiger Survivors.  We take our name from a brutal and murdering North Korean Major who took great delight in killing POW's and civilians alike.  He was a madman.

Our group consisted of people who were taken prisoner from 29 June thru 25 July 1950. The military was mostly from the 24 Infantry Division that was rushed from Japan to fight the Communist hordes from the north.  We also had 79 multi national civilians with us.  Nuns and priests, Methodist missionaries, French and British Legion people, white Russians and Tatars, a German lady and a couple of war correspondents.  In the beginning we numbered about 850.

We were assembled from the various battle sites in South Korea and formed up in Seoul then we were moved to the capitol of North Korea, Pyongyang.  From there we went to several places and finally ended up in Manpo-jin, a small town on the Yalu River.  Manchuria was just across the river.  We were very concerned because we were that close to China and the Soviet Union.

In October 1950 four hundred thousand Chinese came from Manchuria to help North Korea. They were called volunteers.  THey comandeered everything and we were put in a large corn field just south of Manpo.  It was cold and it had already snowed. Many of us had no shoes or shirts and what clothing we had was summer fatigues.  Many were dying every day from various reasons.

On Halloween 1950 a new commandant took over (the Tiger).  He had the rank of Major.  No one remembers his name.  He was always refered to as "The Tiger".  On 1 November we started our Death March north toward the mountains.  The road was marked with blood from the feet of the POW's.  We had gone a short distance when the Tiger noticed some men had been left behind.  The guard told the men to stay there and they would be taken to a hospital.  The guards denied this and the Tiger was going to shoot several officers and because of the pleading of Commissioner Herbert Lord, Salvation Army of England, he shot only one, right through the head.  He murdered Lt. Thornton that day and we knew at that moment that this man meant business.  The Death March ended on 9 November but the damage done to many of us followed for a long time.

Finally we arrived at a very small town of Hanjang-ni.  (The Ni at the end means a very small place.)  This waS 17 November 1950.  We were housed in a school house and several out-buildings.  It was extremely crowded and everyone was sick to some degree.  We were suffering from malnutrition, prolonged exposure, respiratory disease, lice, internal worms, berriberri, mental depression, diarrhea, dysentery, frost bite to mention a few.  Those who were wounded or beaten after capture were suffering from those wounds as well.  Medical treatment was non-existant.  We had Captain Boysen, a battalion surgeon with us who could have saved most of the ones who died if he only had some simple medicines.  This is where we spent the winter of 1950-and the spring of 1951.  202 people were left behind when we left that God awful hell on 29 March 1951.

Your brother died on March 21, 1951 just 8 days before we were to leave. He had just turned 20 years old.

I never knew uncle Stuart. I was born March 21, 1950. The first action in the Korean War wasn't talked about much. The US sent untrained, ill-equipped troops not to stop the NKA but to simply slow them down while the real Army could get there. Over 3000 died in the first battle. Not something to be proud of.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Goodbye Windows XP

Windows XP support ended in  April. I can't afford to buy another operating system so for the past year I've been learning how to download and install Ubuntu, the free operating system from Canonical. I still have a Windows XP Professional system on my old computer but now it has Lubuntu 14.04LTS, a lighter version of Ubuntu, with a dual-boot option when starting up.

When I boot with XP it takes almost four minutes for Windows XP to be fully loaded and ready for work. Lubuntu takes thirty-six seconds. Shutdown with XP takes fifty-seven seconds while Lubuntu takes only six seconds to turn off the computer.

Windows requires drivers specifically for hardware. Ubuntu is written with drivers built-in and identifies the hardware plugged into a PC and loads generic open-source software to use it. I have a USB wireless adapter that Windows can't use until the special driver is loaded to utilize it. Ubuntu immediately finds it and brings up local wireless networks to choose from.

Ubuntu is a Linux-based system and uses open-source software for programs and internet browsers. Many companies make proprietary drivers and offer them for Linux users. The major browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox have free downloads for Linux. Ubuntu comes with office programs that not only look like Windows programs but read and save to Windows formats.

Everything I used to do with Windows: Excel, Word, Access, etc. has a free version in Ubuntu. Files I made with Microsoft can be transferred and used in Libre, the Ubuntu version of office software. Graphics software is also available free for Linux. GIMP image editor is comparable to Photoshop for manipulating and saving files to almost any format.

Security is simple. Few malware programs target Linux systems. I have said goodbye to Windows.

Friday, February 28, 2014

This computer (the big one on the right) was found in the trash.


 The motherboard is an MSI MS7030 K8N Neo Series

Last year I found a PC on the curb someone was throwing away. I brought it home and eventually put in a 500GB hard drive, a Radeon 256MB 9550 graphics card, 3GB DDR 400MHz memory and extra HiSpeed USB 2.0 inputs on the front. It has a AMD 64 bit 2.01GHz CPU and a new operating system. The old system was Windows XP Pro that was up to date but bloated with browser helpers and a full 80GB hard drive. I downloaded and installed Lubuntu 13.10 64 bit Linux based OS.