A very good friend bought us tickets to the first show of the 2020 tour.

On July 10, 2020 Arlo will be 73 years old. He lives almost directly across the state at Sebastian.
With about two weeks or so left to go before we hit the road, we're gearing up for the shows planned for 2020. The first segment begins in Clearwater, FL at The Capitol Theater, and moves up the east coast through Charlotte, Durham and Walhalla. The second segment rolls through Hopewell, Alexandria, Waynesboro, Atlanta and Pelham. Detailed info is elsewhere on this site.
All the upcoming shows have Folk Uke as the opening act — The dynamic duo of my daughter, Cathy, and her singing partner, Amy Nelson (yes, Willie's daughter), is incredibly funny and talented. We'll try out different ways to include them in the gigs, but at least in the beginning we'll throw them onstage at the start of the evening and see what happens. I'll have my son, Abe, and our long time drummer, Terry A La Berry, with me onstage for these gigs.
We'll head farther west playing in St. Louis and Fayetteville before returning to Florida to begin some kind of 60s band cruise I got talked into doing. It should be a riot. I'm looking forward to hanging out with some of my peers and veteran 60s entertainers. For that segment at sea we'll bring back Steve and Carol Ide, who've been most recently touring with me for the last few years.
The gigs with Folk Uke will resume after that taking us to the west coast for shows in Santa Barbara, Solana Beach, Aliso Viejo, San Francisco, Grass Valley, Livermore and Davis. Folk Uke finishes up their stint with me with gigs in Boulder, and Santa Fe. Everyone goes home after that while I finish up May 2020 with a show in Tulsa, OK with the Tulsa Symphony.
Then we head into summer time... It's nothing like summer here in Florida this morning. It was 38 degrees with a strong breeze blowing across the water. That would be cold at home in Massachusetts, but here in Florida it's ridiculous. Naturally it didn't stop me from going out in a light aloha shirt for my usual morning pix. But I didn't last very long out there. They say it'll warm up today. That'd be nice.