Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Science Care

Whole Body Donation

The Science Care whole body donor program links those that wish to leave a lasting legacy through medical research with the researchers and educators that need human tissue to do their important…
More About Whole Body Donation

To Expect At Donation

We’ve outlined the basic procedure for donating your body to Science Care and made the process as straightforward as possible, not only to be efficient, but to keep it very simple for your loved ones…
More About What To Expect 

Free Cremation with Real Benefits to Your Family and the Community

At Science Care, our donor program strives to help meet the needs of the medical community while fulfilling your wishes and making the process simple and helpful for your family members. Making a whole body donation is one of the most compassionate funeral alternatives available. When you donate your body to science, Science Care can eliminate and cover all of the costs in addition to the many other benefits to society. This includes free or no cost cremation. With the rising costs of living and final arrangements, whole body donation can be a real blessing not only for medical researchers but for family members.

Click here to learn more about the differences between low cost cremation and no cost cremation.

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