Tuesday, April 11, 2017


The hearts and minds of my friends and family have been fooled by a global initiative to make money. Politics is irrelevant. Creators of Fake News show you something that will cause you to react. They have no care for what you REALLY believe. Most are europeans. How do they make money? Every time someone views their web page they get paid. Adsense payout- part of the agreement stipulates you do not tell. Total annual payout is a trade secret. Estimates range from 1.5 to 2 BILLION USD. Possibly double that due to the 2016 elections.

Why use a meme? It hides the text of the message.  So do videos. On Facebook I'm starting to see videos that don't move - just words that escape the robot censorship.

I'm hoping our motto for the 2016 elections will be "We don't get fooled again."