Sunday, February 21, 2016

An Alternate Reality Game. 

Walter Elias Disney was an optimist who believed in creating a living blueprint for the future. He and his Imagineers – those creative and skilled professional wizards who combine imagination and engineering – made fantasy into reality and built the magic of the Disney Theme Parks. But, what if that was just the beginning?

The Plus Ultra Society
In the final chapter written by our late friend, a dropped-letter code instructed recruits to:
“Fold Page One Fifty One To Its Center.”

Performing this call to action grants you a code to enter on for your Plus Ultra Final Interview.

The Plus Ultra society was formed at the World's Fair in 1889. Eiffel met Jules Verne and Thomas Edison at his Tower apartment to start a secret society of optimists. Key members of Plus Ultra included Ray Bradbury, Amelia Earhart, Mark Twain, Nicholas Tesla, and other key scientific figures. Walt Disney was a member of Plus Ultra.

We must tear asunder the secret of this society. No longer can Plus Ultra operate in the shadows. No longer can they horde their advancements in their interdimensional sandbox. Too long they’ve left us in the dark. Too long they’ve dangled the promise of Tomorrow in front us, only to leave us with naught but the vestiges of their progress.


Evidence of the secret society Plus Ultra:

More evidence.