Monday, August 13, 2018

A dog led cops to my yard.

2AM - I hear a noise at (near) my window (I leave scraps there for critters). I looked with a flashlight expecting a possum, nothing. 

3AM - I hear police chatter on a radio at (near) my window. I quickly look out but see nothing. I then look at the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office website 


I turn on all my lights outside. In the front are two PCSO SUVs lights flashing. Out back are two officers with a BIG DOG and flashlights in my yard at my back fence in the POURING RAIN.

I ask: "Can I help?"

One says "Our dog indicates a suicidal suspect went over your fence to the next house. What is your address?"

I told him.

That's all I know.

As I write this I hear the PSCO helicopter nearby. Close then far. Then close again.

May God have mercy.