Thursday, February 3, 2022


 I went to retrieve the KIA. Neighbors came down to tell me what happened. Vickie sat in their parking space for three hours by herself not moving from the car about 8pm to 11pm... the resident of the apartment she was parking at finally called the Gulfport police about 11:30pm. At that moment Vickie revved the engine and put the car in drive. She jumped the curb, destroyed a planter and slammed into the jalousie entrance door, breaking it and denting the left front fender of the KIA. Police arrived and determined Vickie was having a medical emergency and dispatched an ambulance. 

Vickie arrived home about 10:30am. She doesn't remember how she got home. Gulfport Police left her a card and told her how to get her car back. Vickie remembered none of it. She had broken the entrance door to the apartment. 

The Gulfport policeman who answered the call January 25th met me at the scene and told me how unresponsive, dazed and confused Vickie was. That's why they called an ambulance. Even after arriving home Vickie could not remember what happened. 

Help is being arranged with the Florida Senior Citizens response team. They will interview her for possible therapy and intervention.