Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Narcan scare

 Tyler Pedersen, a friend of Christian, came to "visit" my wife on Friday afternoon (Jan. 21). They talked in her room with the door shut then Tyler asked to use my computer to learn which Value Pawn store might still be open. Vickie claimed to not be able to find her car keys so they used the pickup truck to allow Tyler to pawn a bicycle around 7pm. 

They did not return until around 9pm where they went to Vickie's room and closed the door again. Abruptly, Tyler rushed out to ask me to watch Vickie and keep her awake until he returned with a Narcan dosage. I sat with Vickie for thirty minutes holding her hand and talking to her to keep her from falling asleep although she did several times, anyway. She slowly began to get her wits.

Tyler returned with a Narcan kit and was relieved to see Vickie awake and lucid. 

Now neither one will talk about the incident. Tyler denies it. 

I have since concluded that Vickie may have been dehydrated, faint and hungry.